luisa's virtual vault

a collection of my favorites

math/cs resources (nerd stuff)
  • dive into deep learning, great machine learning book that teaches the fundamentals with just the right amount of both math and code.
  • mit open courseware, taught me proof based calculus I-III and linear algebra (thank you, gilbert strang).
  • think bayes 2, example explanations of bayesian statistics that finally sparked the epiphany going from bayes' theorem in probability to bayesian statistics.
  • statquest's #66DaysOfData, intuitive illustrations of statistical analysis with examples from genetics (brought to you by the friendly folks of the genetics department at UNC chapel hill!)
  • ritvikmath, great intuitions and solid math on statistical concepts like sampling from a distribution and markov chain monte carlo techniques.
  • stanford lecture series on deep generative models
  • chatgpt unironically really good for explaining derivations and giving pointers for math.
  • introduction to variational autoencoders kingma and welling's expanded work on vaes with all derivations and excellent explanations.
  • prof paul hand's channel and specifically his lecture series on special topics in deep learning.
more resources (more nerd stuff)
  • campbell biology, beautifully written and illustrated introduction to biology which reignited my love for the natural sciences.
  • logical chess move by move, collection of beautiful chess games, explained move by move. playing the games out on a physical board opened my eyes to how gorgeous positional play can be, and really made me fall in love with the game!
  • how to reassess your chess, the workbook with positional puzzles is a blast to work through
currently reading... on the reading list!
  • elements of information theory
  • lehninger principles of biochemistry
  • the missing semester of your cs education
  • advanced linear algebra
  • partial differential equations
  • ostep
(...shh) friends & peeps (that have websites)